Year in Review, Path Forward

A summary of science from the 2020 school year, titled "The Year in Review and a Path Forward," was written by The ABC Science Collaborative faculty who are physicians and scientists from Duke University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and 13 states across the nation (see map below). The summary underwent a review process by The ABC Science Collaborative faculty and the wider pediatric scientific community.

Kanecia Zimmerman, MD, PhD, MPH
Kanecia Zimmerman, MD, PhD, MPH

“The key takeaways in the ‘Year in Review’ offer a road map for school leaders and policymakers to use the latest science as they plan the path forward for K-12 in-person instruction,” said Kanecia Zimmerman, M.D., co-chair of the ABC Science Collaborative. “The science clearly shows us that masking is an effective strategy to prevent within-school transmission when COVID-19 is circulating and when vaccination is not yet available for all children. The science also highlights proven best practices to safely return to school.”

The ABC Science Collaborative National Partners

map of the usa showing partner locations